Intel® Skylake

This page is valid for Skylake. The Skylake microarchitecture supports the UBOX and the CBOX Uncore devices.

Available performance monitors for the Intel® Skylake microarchitecture

Counters available for each hardware thread

Fixed-purpose counters

Since the Core2 microarchitecture, Intel® provides a set of fixed-purpose counters. Each can measure only one specific event.

Counter and events

Counter name Event name

Available Options

Option Argument Description Comment
anythread N Set bit 2+(index*4) in config register
kernel N Set bit (index*4) in config register

General-purpose counters

Commonly the Intel® Skylake microarchitecture provides 4 general-purpose counters consisting of a config and a counter register.

Counter and events

Counter name Event name
PMC0 *
PMC1 *
PMC2 *
PMC3 *

Available Options

Option Argument Description Comment
edgedetect N Set bit 18 in config register
kernel N Set bit 17 in config register
anythread N Set bit 21 in config register
threshold 8 bit hex value Set bits 24-31 in config register
invert N Set bit 23 in config register
in_transaction N Set bit 32 in config register Only available if Intel® Transactional Synchronization Extensions are available
in_transaction_aborted N Set bit 33 in config register Only counter PMC2 and only if Intel® Transactional Synchronization Extensions are available

Special handling for events

The Intel® Skylake microarchitecture provides measureing of offcore events in PMC counters. Therefore the stream of offcore events must be filtered using the OFFCORE_RESPONSE registers. The Intel® Skylake microarchitecture has two of those registers. LIKWID defines some events that perform the filtering according to the event name. Although there are many bitmasks possible, LIKWID natively provides only the ones with response type ANY. Own filtering can be applied with the OFFCORE_RESPONSE_0_OPTIONS and OFFCORE_RESPONSE_1_OPTIONS events. Only for those events two more counter options are available:

Option Argument Description Comment
match0 16 bit hex value Input value masked with 0x8FFF and written to bits 0-15 in the OFFCORE_RESPONSE register Check the Intel® Software Developer System Programming Manual, Vol. 3, Chapter Performance Monitoring and
match1 22 bit hex value Input value is written to bits 16-37 in the OFFCORE_RESPONSE register Check the Intel® Software Developer System Programming Manual, Vol. 3, Chapter Performance Monitoring and

The event MEM_TRANS_RETIRED_LOAD_LATENCY is not available because it needs programming of PEBS registers. PEBS is a kernel-level measurement facility for performance monitoring. Although we can program it from user-space, the results are always 0.

Thermal counter

The Intel® Skylake microarchitecture provides one register for the current core temperature.

Counter and events

Counter name Event name

Counters available for one hardware thread per socket

Power counter

The Intel® Skylake microarchitecture provides measurements of the current power consumption through the RAPL interface.

Counter and events

Counter name Event name

Uncore global counters

The Intel® Skylake microarchitecture provides measurements for the global uncore.

Counter and events

Counter name Event name

Last level cache counters

The Intel® Skylake microarchitecture provides measurements for the last level cache segments.

Counter and events

Counter name Event name
CBOX<0-3>C0 *
CBOX<0-3>C1 *

Available Options

Option Argument Description Comment
edgedetect N Set bit 18 in config register
threshold 8 bit hex value Set bits 24-28 in config register
invert N Set bit 23 in config register
