Intel® Nehalem

Available performance monitors for the Intel® Nehalem microarchitecture

Counters available for each hardware thread

Fixed-purpose counters

Since the Core2 microarchitecture, Intel® provides a set of fixed-purpose counters. Each can measure only one specific event.

Counter and events

Counter name Event name

Available Options

Option Argument Description Comment
anythread N Set bit 2+(index*4) in config register
kernel N Set bit (index*4) in config register

General-purpose counters

The Intel® Nehalem microarchitecture provides 4 general-purpose counters consisting of a config and a counter register.

Counter and events

Counter name Event name
PMC0 *
PMC1 *
PMC2 *
PMC3 *

Available Options

Option Argument Description Comment
edgedetect N Set bit 18 in config register
kernel N Set bit 17 in config register
anythread N Set bit 21 in config register
threshold 8 bit hex value Set bits 24-31 in config register
invert N Set bit 23 in config register

Special handling for events

The Intel® Nehalem microarchitecture provides measuring of offcore events in PMC counters. Therefore the stream of offcore events must be filtered using the OFFCORE_RESPONSE registers. The Intel® Nehalem microarchitecture has one of those registers. Own filtering can be applied with the OFFCORE_RESPONSE_0_OPTIONS event. Only for those events two more counter options are available:

Option Argument Description Comment
match0 8 bit hex value Input value masked with 0xFF and written to bits 0-7 in the OFFCORE_RESPONSE register Check the Intel® Software Developer System Programming Manual, Vol. 3, Chapter Performance Monitoring and
match1 8 bit hex value Input value masked with 0xF7 and written to bits 8-15 in the OFFCORE_RESPONSE register Check the Intel® Software Developer System Programming Manual, Vol. 3, Chapter Performance Monitoring and

Counters available for one hardware thread per socket

Uncore counters

The Intel® Nehalem microarchitecture provides 8 general-purpose counters consisting of a config and a counter register. Moreover, there is a fixed-purpose counter to measure the clock of the Uncore.

Counter and events

Counter name Event name

Available Options (Only for UPMC<0-7> counters)

Option Argument Description Comment
edgedetect N Set bit 18 in config register
anythread N Set bit 21 in config register
threshold 8 bit hex value Set bits 24-31 in config register
invert N Set bit 23 in config register
opcode 8 bit hex value Set bits 40-47 in MSR_UNCORE_ADDR_OPCODE_MATCH register Documented but register only available in Westmere architecture. A list of valid opcodes can be found in the Intel® Software Developer System Programming Manual, Vol. 3, Chapter Performance Monitoring.
match0 40 bit physical memory address Extract bits 3-39 from address and write them to bits 3-39 in MSR_UNCORE_ADDR_OPCODE_MATCH register Documented but register only available in Westmere architecture.
