Power and Energy monitoring module

Data type definition for Lua power and energy monitoring module in the Lua API

Power Information

This structure is returned by getPowerInfo function
The nested list structure is almost similar to the C struct CpuTopology.

Membername Comment
hasRAPL If set, the system supports power readings through the RAPL interface
baseFrequency Nominal clock frequency of the system
minFrequency Minimal supported clock frequency of the system
powerUnit Multiplier for power readings
timeUnit Multiplier for time readings from RAPL
Membername Comment
numSteps Amount of turbo mode steps
steps List containing the turbo mode steps
Membername Comment
RAPL domain
Typename comment
ID Type of domain (PKG, PP0, PP1, DRAM)
energyUnit Multiplier for energy readings for RAPL domain
supportStatus RAPL domain has a status register to read energy values
supportPerf RAPL domain has a perf register
supportPolicy RAPL domain has a policy register to define a global energy policy
supportLimit RAPL domain has a policy register to define a limit for the energy consumption
supportInfo RAPL domain has a policy register to define a limit for the energy consumption
tdp Thermal Design Power
Only if supportInfo is set
Only if supportInfo is set
minPower Minimal power consumption for the RAPL domain
Only if supportInfo is set
maxPower Maximal power consumption for the RAPL domain
Only if supportInfo is set
maxTimeWindow Maximal duration between updates of the RAPL status registers
Only if supportInfo is set

Function definitions for Lua power and energy monitoring module in the Lua API


Get information about the RAPL interface in the system

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter None
Returns Power Info lua_powerinfo


Frees C struct PowerInfo. You can still use the lua_powerinfo data structure
If you call getPowerInfo function again after calling this function, the power information struct will be filled again.

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter None
Returns None

startPower(cpuID, domainID)

Start measuring given RAPL domain on given CPU

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter
cpuID Start the power measurement on CPU cpuID
domainID Start the power measurement for domain domainID
Possible values: 0=PKG, 1=PP0, 2=PP1, 3=DRAM
Returns Power value at start

stopPower(cpuID, domainID)

Stop measuring given RAPL domain on given CPU

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter
cpuID Stop the power measurement on CPU cpuID
domainID Stop the power measurement for domain domainID
Possible values: 0=PKG, 1=PP0, 2=PP1, 3=DRAM
Returns Power value at stop

printEnergy(before, after, domainID)

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter
before Result from startPower function
after Result from stopPower function
domainID Print the power result for domain domainID
Possible values: 0=PKG, 1=PP0, 2=PP1, 3=DRAM
Returns Power value at stop

limitGet(cpuID, domainID) (EXPERIMENTAL)

Get the current limit in the limit register of domain. The limit is defined as maximal power consumption in a time window

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter
cpuID Get limit for CPU cpuID
domainID Get limit for domain domainID
Possible values: 0=PKG, 1=PP0, 2=PP1, 3=DRAM
power Power limit value
time Duration of time window

limitSet(cpuID, domainID, power, time, clamp) (EXPERIMENTAL)

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter
cpuID Set limit for CPU cpuID
domainID Set limit for domain domainID
Possible values: 0=PKG, 1=PP0, 2=PP1, 3=DRAM
power Set power value to power
time Set time window value to time
clamp Should the limit be clamped or can it sometimes exceed the power limit if in total the limit is satisfied
Returns Error code, 0 for success

limitState(cpuID, domainID) (EXPERIMENTAL)

Get the state of the limit

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter
cpuID Get the state on CPU cpuID
domainID Get the state for domain domainID
Possible values: 0=PKG, 1=PP0, 2=PP1, 3=DRAM
Returns State, 0 for off, 1 for on

