NUMA memory topology module

Data type definition for Lua NUMA topology module in the Lua API


This structure is returned by getNumaInfo function
It is similar to the C struct NumaTopology

Membername Comment
numberOfNodes Amount of NUMA nodes in the system
Membername Comment
id ID of NUMA node
totalMemory Total amount of memory in the NUMA domain
freeMemory Free amount of memory in the NUMA domain
numberOfProcessors Amount of CPUs in the NUMA domain
numberOfDistances Amount of distances to local and remote NUMA nodes
processors List of CPU IDs in the NUMA domain
distances Two dimensional list of distances to NUMA nodes in the system

Function definitions for Lua NUMA topology module in the Lua API


Get information about the NUMA domains in the system

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter None
Returns NUMA Info lua_numainfo


Frees C struct NumaTopology. You can still use the lua_numainfo data structure
If you call getNumaInfo function again after calling this function, the NUMA topology information will be read again.

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter None
Return None

setMemInterleaved(nrThreads, threads2Cpus)

Set the 'Interleaved' memory policy to allocate data only on given CPUs

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter
nrThreads Amount of threads in the threads2Cpus list
threads2Cpus List of thread to CPU relations
Return None


Resolve the given node expression in NUMA affinity domain

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter
nodeexpression List of CPUs in NUMA node
nrThreads Amount of threads in the threads2Cpus list
threads2Cpus List of thread to CPU relations


Resolve the given socket expression in socket affinity domain

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter
socketexpression List of CPUs in socket affinity domain
nrThreads Amount of threads in the threads2Cpus list
threads2Cpus List of thread to CPU relations

