Config file module

Data type definition for Lua config file module in the Lua API

Config file read

This structure is returned by getConfiguration function
The config file can be created with likwid-genTopoCfg executable. It searches the files /etc/likwid.cfg and /usr/local/etc/likwid.cfg. Other configuration file paths can be set in before building LIKWID.

Membername Comment
configFile Path to the config file
topologyFile Path to the config file containing topology information
daemonPath Path to the access daemon
daemonMode Access mode for LIKWID (0 = direct access, 1 = access daemon)
maxNumThreads Maximal amount of hardware threads in the system
maxNumNodes Maximal amount of NUMA nodes in the system
maxHashTableSize Maximal size for the internally used hash table

Function definitions for Lua config file module in the Lua API


Read the configuration file and return a list of config options

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter None
Returns List of configuration options, see lua_config


Define and/or change the verbosity level of LIKWID

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter
verbosity 0 = only errors
1 = infos
2 = detail
3 = developer
Other flags are rejected.
Returns None


Change the path to the performance group files.

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter
path Path to group files
Returns None


Frees the C-structures that were created by getConfiguration function.

Direction Data type(s)
Input Parameter None
Returns None

